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KATAJA Consulting
contact information and place of the assessment
Company contact
KATAJA Consulting Oy
Kirvespolku 5
FIN - 00760 Helsinki
Tel: + 358 400 42 11 45
Fax: +358 9 388 1158
E-mail: firstname.familyname@kataja.fi (martti kataja)
The assessment
takes place at:
Teknobulevardi 3-5
FIN - 01531 Vantaa.
For more instructions go to
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People behind the process
The final selection in a recruitment process is always made by the
hiring company, their Human Resource Department and line management.
Finally the responsible decision maker in the recruitment process is a
line manager or in some cases, his/her superior.
KATAJA Consulting helps the client with the recruiting decision. The
practical arrangements for the assessment are made by Katariina Kataja,
Bachelor of Science in Economics.
Martti Kataja, Work Psychologist and CEO of Kataja Consulting is in
charge of interpreting the test results and consulting the client.
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Program of the
assessment day
The date of the assessment is usually given to the candidate by the
recruiting company at the end of an interview or afterwards by
telephone. In some cases the candidate can choose between various dates
and confirm the chosen date directly with the consultant.
The assessment day starts at 9.00 am and ends around 4 pm. The day
includes a 30-45 minute lunch break, when the candidates may have lunch
at their own expense.
The first half of the day includes various tasks that are designed to
assess cognitive skills. These tasks are time-limited and require good
focusing from the candidate. In the beginning of each task and
situation, all necessary instructions are given and the candidates may
pose any questions they have. The rest of the morning and the afternoon
include filling out forms, a team work simulation, and psychological
and personality tests that can be completed without a time limit. The
most important part of the day is an interview with the consultant.
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The objective of an
The main objective of an assessment is to facilitate and prepare the
selection decision in a recruitment process. The results and their
interpretation open up a wider and sometimes completely new aspect to a
candidate´s qualities. Personality traits, individual working
methods and motivational factors relevant to the task are taken under
consideration in order to place the candidate in a satisfying task and
work environment.
The candidate´s expectations for the task are also considered.
The results of the assessment are communicated to the management in a
way that the person will have appropriate initiation to work and so
that the leadership practices support the person´s success at the
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Reporting and feedback
The client organization receives written feedback from the assessment.
The feedback consists of three parts, a cover sheet, a text sheet and a
graphic display that includes profiles. The cover sheet includes
personal identification and contact information, the text page gives an
explanative and partly predictive description of the person´s
suitability for the task and work environment. The graph displays
profiles of the person´s qualities on a scale of -3 to +3.
The written report is given to the client organization and a copy is
left with the consultant. The results are valid for two years. The
results and the report may not and cannot be used for any other
purposes or outside the particular assessment process, e.g. as
testimonials. The results are relative by nature and they are based
solely on the unique assessment situation as the person is applying for
a certain position or when his/hers individual qualities are being
assessed as a part of organizational development procedures.
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Feedback to the
The person who participated in the assessment may receive feedback from
the consultant. The feedback will be given by telephone at +358 400 42
11 45 at a specific time and date agreed on at the end of the
assessment day. A written feedback can also be given to the candidate
upon request. For the written feedback, the candidate may send a
request by email to: firstname.familyname@kataja.fi.
(martti kataja)
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Preparing for the
assessment day
The person participating in an assessment does not need to bring along
a CV or testimonials. The best way to prepare for the day is to sleep
well the night before and to have a sincere attitude. You will achieve
the best possible result by being yourself.
Welcome to assessment
Kataja Consulting Oy
Katariina Kataja
Assistant in personal assessment
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Kataja Consulting Oy
Martti Kataja
MSSc, Work Psychologist |